Karl's Astro-Journal

"Place a clever quote here." -- Ima Gettintoit'

Here are some astro-photos I've taken over the years. The equipment to take amateur astro-photographs runs the gamut from iPhones and dash-cams to equipment that's research-grade and can easily cost as much as an upscale suburban home or more. The photos shown here were taken with low to mid range equipment, pretty much off-the-shelf stuff. The real magic in astro-photography comes after the pictures are taken and are then processed with software. Faint, even blurry, washed out images turn into crisp high contrast, detail rich photos of stars, galaxies and nebula.

M31 The Andromeda Galaxy

Trifid M20 and Lagoon M08

M42 The Orion Nebula

M16 Eagle Nebula

M33 Triangulum Galaxy

Eagle and Omega Nebulae

Fisheye Star Trails

Nighttime "Small Planet" Panorama

2002 Sun Through Fog, 1.2MP Camera

Io Transit of Jupiter 2015

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